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Task Tracker Pro on Laptop
Task Tracker Pro Checkmark

Task Tracker Pro

Life is all about priorities...keep it simple, one check at a time!

Focus on what’s important, eliminate distractions, achieve results, keep track of what you can today so you don’t worry about tomorrow, with the click of a button!

This app was created using Task Tracker Pro

Stay Focused

Master the 80/20 principle, focus on the top 20% of your goals to accomplish 80% of your ambitions by selecting any element and watch it sort phases, colors and priorites live!

Drag and Drop

Share Tasks

Collaborate with other members of your team, share lists, track progress, and assign membership

Invite Team

Find Anything

Find what you’re looking for among all your project items in an instant!

Search Bar

See It In Action

Task Tracker Pro was made using itself! Preview our public list to get an idea of how it works.

Preview Public List

Master Productivity

  • Create custom categories
  • Share Lists with public tracking
  • Progress Bar per phase
  • One-Button task add
  • Click for details - per task item
  • Image Gallery
  • Project Summary
  • Upload images
  • Share links
  • Text editor with toolbar
  • Markup support
  • Toggle visibility per item
  • Preset templates - story, apps, office
  • And more...

Be Inspired

Task Tracker comes with templates to help you get started so you won’t feel intimidated about where to begin or how to sort your tasks.

background preview

Choose the perfect plan


A great way to get started! Currently in Beta, we're offering an early access discount if you join today.



per seat/per month
  • 10 GB Storage
  • 7 Projects
  • 25 Team Member Invites
  • Basic priority email support during specific hours.


**Limited time: Auto upgrade FREE when Plus benefits are surpassed.

For those who are ready to take on any project and raring to go!


per seat/per month
  • 100 GB Storage
  • 25 Projects
  • 55 Team Member Invites
  • Priority email support during specific hours.


Supercharge your project management with Enterprise Edition. Unlock advanced features, scalability, and streamlined collaboration. Maximize productivity and efficiency for your team.

Contact us to learn more.


  • Unlimited Storage
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Team Member Invites
  • Priority email, chat, & phone support during specific hours.
  • Custom integrations, single sign-on (SSO), & API access on request.


When will the PRO edition be available?

At the moment, it's available as a reward to Beta users who exceed Plus membership benefits as an automatic upgrade for a limited time only. Once we reach Gold, the regular price will apply to all future members.

Will there be a Free edition?

Yes. A FREE edition will be available as soon as the PRO is released.

Can we make feature requests?

Yes. Contact us and we’ll add your inquiry to the queue.